Category Archives for seminar

TEDxKobe 2016: Spring out in unity

日曜日は、TEDxKobe 2016: Spring out in unityへ … Continue reading

2016/06/15 by maopucci
Categories: a woman, off-time thinking, private, seminar, working mother | Leave a comment

UX KANSAI 2016 / the 2nd session:Ethnography / F.W. & KA method @KYOTO

UX KANSAI 2016 / the 2nd session: Ethnog … Continue reading

2016/06/10 by maopucci
Categories: seminar, UX, web, working mother | Leave a comment

UX KANSAI / the 1st session:Boot Camp

UX KANSAI 2016 / the 1st session:UXD Boo … Continue reading

2016/05/25 by maopucci
Categories: seminar, UX, web | Leave a comment


社内で開いていたコンセプトダイアグラム勉強会がひとくぎり。 がががっと詰めてやっ … Continue reading

2016/05/13 by maopucci
Categories: off-time thinking, seminar, UX, working mother | Leave a comment

Spring experience in KYOTO

先週末、UX KYOTO / WS が終了しました。 2ヶ月に渡って続いたセミナ … Continue reading

2016/04/26 by maopucci
Categories: a woman, off-time thinking, private, seminar, UX, web, working mother | Leave a comment

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